Interesting articles from us

A water pump – can we do without it?

When customers order water to an office or other public institution, they often install a cooler, which can be used by a large number of people. However, it is not always appropriate to purchase such a bulky equipment for an average apartment.

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Water dispenser – what is it and what is it used for?

If you use water delivery services, you are probably familiar with such devices as a pump and a cooler. The first is compact and cheap, so it perfectly fits the average kitchen, the last is bigger and more expensive, suitable for offices, educational institutions, etc

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What calories are and how they work?

All living beings need energy, and a human, by their physiology, can receive it only from food. Energy is needed for physical activity, respiration, recovery of cells and tissues, blood circulation, digestion and just maintaining normal body temperature - that is, for all processes in our body.

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Top 5 diets for weight loss

To get rid of extra pounds, people are ready to try a variety of diets. However, are popular eating systems from the magazines so effective?

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What is healthy eating? Three simple principles

When people talk about weight loss and a healthy lifestyle, you can often hear that popular diets do not work, and only healthy eating helps in the long run.

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How to lose weight fast? 4 Common Mistakes in Losing Weight

At school lessons of biology and physical training we were told everything but really important things. For example, most people have no idea how to normalise their weight properly if it has exceeded the desired limits

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Where can we have coffee in Kyiv? Non-standard lifehack for coffee lovers

If you are a real coffee lover, for you a cup of coffee is not just a whim but a matter of survival. Bad coffee in the morning can spoil the mood for the whole day, and a good one can fill you with energy, inspiration and motivation

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Peculiarities Of Making Coffee With The Help Of Different Equipmen

Which coffee tastes better - made in a cezve or in a state-of-the-art coffee machine, brewed in a “Turkish” or “Italian” way? We can argue endlessly about this question

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Drinks With Coffee Beans

Nowadays coffee culture is at the peak of fashion. When you come to even a small cafe, it’s easy to literally get lost in the choice of drinks - the barista can offer you a dozen kinds of "ordinary" black coffee, and even more options with cream, milk and other delicious additives.

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The Role Of Water In Human Livelihoods

Water is the source of life, as no living organism can exist without it. It is no coincidence that the mineral composition of human blood is identical to that of the water in the oceans

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Maintenance Of Bottled Water Equipment: Let’s Take Care Of Cleanliness And Durability

When you buy bottled water, remember that the health benefits depend not only on its quality, but also on the state of the equipment for bottling

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Are You Sad And It`s Difficult For You To Wake Up In The Morning? Let`s Fight With Autumn Depression!

Autumn is not only the season for gold colours and a bumper crop, but also for permanent annoying gloom. Even the most notorious optimist can have the blues on a cloudy autumn day, and people with a delicate psyche suffer from the real depression

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Why Is It Necessary To Drink Water To Lose Weight?

Well, you decided to seriously take care of your health and normalize your weight. When you open any article on the topic of weight loss, among the recommendations you will definitely see the thesis that you need to drink a lot of water

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Bracing And Fragrant... What Can Be Better Than Coffee?

There are people, who quickly make a drink of "3-in-1" getting ready for work; there are those who get up earlier to grind coffee beans and make it in a cezve. Someone grabs a big latte “to-go” in a coffee shop, and someone brews Americano at work, buzzing with a coffee machine, which welcomes the start of a new working day

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Is There A Water On Mars?

One fact needs to be clarified: water is present in the atmosphere of Mars in the state of gase, and in a solid form it exists in ice caps at poles. However, liquid water was found for the first time - according to scientists, the discovered lake lies at a depth of 1.5 km under the ice.

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Influence Of Water On A Child's Body: Why Water Is Necessary For Children And How Much To Drink?

To begin with, let’s find out one interesting fact. Many sources say that up to 80% of the human body is water. In fact, in case with adults this figure is lower – it is about 60-70%, but the body of a child really contains 80%, and that of a baby - even more

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How to choose bottled water equipment?

Bottled water delivery is the easiest, the most convenient and beneficial way to provide yourself with high quality drinking water in required quantity. You just call once, and we deliver artesian mineral water to you home, office or any institution quickly at the time of your convenience

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Ukrainian water resorts: where to have rest and recover health

In the article we are telling about water resorts in Ukraine and characteristics of healing water.

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What is the best thirst quenching drink?

When summer comes, here and there in the streets there are stands with kvass, milkshakes and lemonades. And if we are thirsty, we do not think too much when choosing a drink - we just buy what is next to us

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Water grammar for children and adults

A bit of humor from our workdays. Professional deformation is a terrible thing. An editor unconsciously looks for the mistakes in the signboards of stores, a military man can not drink coffee calmly without making bed perfectly, a psychotherapist puts diagnoses on all friends during heart-to-heart conversations

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Water delivery outside the city

There are a lot of water delivery services in Kyiv, and there are plenty of opportunities to choose. However, in the suburbs of the capital, even if they are not too distant, the situation is completely different

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Water purification at home: why water supply system does not always meet the sanitary norms

"All my life I have been drinking water from the tap, and nothing happened," - that is what we often hear from carefree friends and acquaintances. Under "nothing" they usually mean that the person was lucky not to have been poisoned by tap water; and if they were poisoned, they put everything down to an "oat cookie", as told in the old joke

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How much does it cost to purify water? Purification of drinking water at home

Recently, more and more people think about their health and understand that water is the key to good health.

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Water delivery in Kiev. How to choose a water supplier?

If you live in a big city, you will not be left without water - in the capital and regional centers there are usually half a dozen of water delivery services, and often even more.

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