What calories are and how they work?

What calories are and how they work?

In the context of the human body, energy is measured in kilocalories. 1 calorie is the amount of energy needed to heat 1 gram of water at 1 degree Celsius. Accordingly, 1 kilocaloria (kcal) equals 1,000 calories.

Calories and the human body

In a state of rest, the human body spends 1-2 thousand kilocalories per day - this is the so-called basic energy exchange. The younger the person is, the more active the regeneration processes are in its body, and more energy is spent. If a person is ill, they spend even more calories on recovery. The more people weigh, the more energy they need to provide all the necessary processes in the big body.

To the basic metabolism we should add the amount of energy required for physical activity, digestio, work of the nervous system, etc. Thus, the average office worker spends about 2000-2500 kcal a day, an athlete - up to 7000-8000 kilocalories.

On average, maintaining a stable body weight requires about 30 kcal / g, i.e., the recommended daily caloric value for a person weighing 70 kg will be 2100 kcal. Depending on the physical activity and other factors, this figure can change within 20-30%.

How many calories do you eat and why more calories cause people gain weight?

The nutritional value of food is determined by the content of protein, fats, carbohydrates in it, as well as the amount of energy that this food can give. So, 1 g of proteins and carbohydrates give 4 kcal, 1 g of fat - 9 kcal. Therefore, high-fat foods are the most satiating, but they can provoke a weight gain. If an organism receives more energy than it spends, it saves it in a stock, processing nutrients into triglycerides and filling fat cells with them.

In comparison, 100 grams of buckwheat porridge contain about 130 kcal, boiled chicken fillet ~ 150 kcal, walnuts ~ 650 kcal, chocolate ~ 550 kcal, cream butter - about 700 kcal per 100 g. However, in water there are no calories at all - only the liquid and microelements necessary for the body (when it comes to high-quality artesian water).

How to "make friends" with calories?

In order to maintain a healthy comfortable weight, you must consume optimal amount of calories. Our organism is wiser than it seems to us, and many people find intuitively how to maintain the same form for years. If the person has already developed unhealthy eating habits, if they are inclined to eat because of stress, or, otherwise, forget or do not have time to eat in the bustle, they need to make efforts to normalize nutrition.

To adjust the diet, nutritionists recommend to calculate the optimal daily caloric content (body weight x 30; those who are thin, minus 15-20%), and maintain it for 2-4 months, carefully counting all the food. During this time, new habits are acquired, and you can continue to eat without counting. And in order regulate the appetite better, without starving and overeating, drink more pure water – the company Vodoliy takes care of it.